07 June 2016
07 June 2016
Aspiration House Captains, Sports Captains and the House Council launched Aspiration Charity Week to all students in a series of assemblies to all Houses. Once again Aspiration had chosen unanimously to support The Smile of Arran Trust in memory of Arran Tosh who sadly died as a result of a brain tumour. Arran was known to many of the students at Ramsey as a friend, fellow football player and musician. Mrs Alison Tosh, Arran’s mother, spoke eloquently about her son to Aspiration students in an assembly and was truly inspirational in her courage and about the work of the Smile of Arran Trust. More details about the charity can be found at http://www.smileofarran.com
Charity week ran from Monday 25 April to Friday 29 April and proved to be a busy week, packed with a range of activities to suit all interests. As popular as ever, the cake sale offered delicious cakes baked by staff and students to start the fundraising on Monday and Tuesday breaks. Lunch time on Tuesday saw the new phenomenon of Y-Ball at Ramsey! An action-packed game with music and a Nerf ball! The Sports Captains organised some very competitive girls’ and boys’ teams to take part in some very hard-fought matches in the Sports Hall - supposedly a non-contact sport, but students literally threw themselves into the game! The players were urged on by M.C ‘T-Dog Taylor Nicholson’ and his music. Students from all Houses took part or lined the walls to watch the action and donate, of course.
Mrs R Sims
To view photos from the Charity Week click here.