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The Sex Factor

The Sex Factor

07 June 2016

07 June 2016

On 4 May, Year 9, and the Health and Social Care Students of Year 10, embarked on a one day project entitled “The Sex Factor”. 

The aim of this project was to examine safe and unsafe behaviour and to explore how their personal experiences can influence their choices. It also left the students feeling empowered to make informed decisions about their lives. Students were more aware of teenage pregnancy, HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Also, students were able to place sex in the context of relationships relevant to them, and also to explore the divide between what we know and what we do.

Students were impeccably behaved throughout the session. The play followed the lives of three friends in their final GCSE year at school. Students enjoyed watching the characters embark on their first relationships, and struggle with their identities. As the play progressed the friends fell in and out of love, in and out of friendships, and as the relationships became more complicated, communication broke down. After this, there was an interactive workshop, exploring how we can take responsibility for our choices and actions. The second play examined two alternative futures for the characters based on the different choices they made. Students enjoyed the session and found it informative. Here are comments made from students when asked to assess the project:

“The play was really interesting and very amusing. I understand a lot more how our actions can affect others.” 
“This play helps me to do what is right for my decision and life.”
“This made me understand about the consequences of being irresponsible towards sexual relationships.”

Mrs H Price

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