- Bridge Academy Trust Policies
- Accessibility Plan
- Admissions Policy
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Assessment, Feedback and Presentation Policy
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour and Rewards Policy
- Careers Education, Advice and Guidance Policy
- Child Protection Policy
- Drugs & Alcohol Policy
- Emergency Asthma And Adrenaline Auto-Injector Policy
- Exclusions Policy
- Guide to Internet Safety
- Homework Policy
- Keeping Children Safe in Education Policy
- Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy (BAT)
- Music Development Plan
- Numeracy Policy
- Provider Access Policy
- Pupil Premium
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy (RSE)
- School Closure - Remote Education Offer
- SEND Policy
- Severe Weather Procedures
- Strategic Reading and Disciplinary Writing Policy
- Student Equality Plan
- Supporting Students with Medical Needs
- Transgender Full Guidance Policy
- Word Processor Policy
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. School and college staff are particularly important as they are in a position to identify concerns early and provide help for children to prevent concerns from escalating. Schools and colleges and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Schools should work with Social Care, the police, health services and other services to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm.
Please follow the links below for further information:
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education
‘Working together to safeguard children’ July 2024
Safeguarding procedures schools must follow when teaching remotely
The Ramsey Academy Safeguarding Team 2024
Mrs Sterland (Headteacher)
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Gerrard
Deputy DSL
Mrs Koster
Deputy DSL
Mrs J Ayres
Mrs B Retter