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Uniform and Equipment
Uniform and Equipment

All uniform, including PE kit, can be acquired via Anglia Sports and School Wear. Click here to visit the Ramsey Academy store.

At The Ramsey Academy, Halstead it is our aim for students to develop a sense of pride in their work, behaviour and dress. As part of this we consider uniform to be very important and students are expected to be correctly dressed at all times. The documents on this page will help parents / carers and students know what is suitable school uniform and what is not.

 Uniform Rules

  • Correct uniform must be worn at all times
  • Shirts must be tucked in and top button fastened
  • If an outdoor coat is worn to school this must be removed before entering the buildings
  • Blazers must be worn at all times and only removed in classrooms when invited to by staff
  • A plain black V neck jumper can be worn but ties must be visible (no hoodies)
  • Ties must be worn at all times

  Compulsory Uniform

Blazer Black with embroidered School badge.
Trousers Black, classic style. Trousers which resemble jeans or which are too tight will not be accepted.
 Skirt Black pleated skirt approximately knee length. Skirts should not be shorter than 10cm above the knee.
Shorts Tailored black shorts approximately knee length.
 Shirt White collared shirt that allows a tie to be worn.
 Tie House colour.
Tights/Socks Tights must be plain black or flesh coloured. Dark coloured ankle socks only.
 Footwear Formal black shoes. Flat soles. No trainers, plimsolls, boots or high heels.


 Optional Uniform

 Knitwear School or plain black v neck jumper or cardigan or slipover


Other Considerations 

 Jewellery Maximum of 1 ring and 1 pair of plain stud earrings. Nose studs and other facial piercings must not be worn.
 Make up No make up for Years 7, 8 and 9. Subtle make up is allowed in Years 10 and 11. Nail varnish must not be worn. False eyelashes must not be worn.
 Hairstyles Hair should be of one natural colour. Extreme hairstyles will not be permitted.

 Uniform Guidelines


PE and Games Kit

  • The Ramsey Academy, Halstead unisex polo shirt
  • The Ramsey Academy, Halstead Unisex quarter zip sports top (optional for boys)
  • The Ramsey Academy, Halstead sports jersey (optional for girls)
  • The Ramsey Academy, Halstead unisex sport shorts or suitable black shorts
  • The Ramsey Academy, Halstead tracksuit bottoms or suitable black tracksuit bottoms
  • Maroon footbal socks
  • Trainers
  • Football boots – moulded stud boots (plastic studs)
  • Towel
  • Shin pads/gumshields may be required – as advised by the PE department


Students will need to bring the following equipment to school:

  • Blue/black pen
  • Green pen
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Rubber
  • Scientific calculator
  • DEAR book

Checks are made in tutor time and in lessons to make sure that students have correct equipment. If students continue to fail to bring the correct equipment to school then sanctions such as a detention will be put in place. Student reception keep a selection of equipment in school for students to purchase if they wish. If a student is in receipt of pupil premium funding then they can go to the House Office who will support them in making sure they have the correct stationery equipment that they need to use in lessons.