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The Ramsey Academy works with The Childrens Society and Action for Family Carers to offer support session for our students.
Young Carers in Schools is an exciting England-wide initiative that equips schools to support young carers and award good practice. Run jointly the Carers Trust, we are improving the identification and support of young carers in schools across the country, so that they get the help they need. This initiative was initially funded by The Queen's Trust and The Big Lottery Fund, and has continuation funding from Thomas Cook's Children's Charity and Henley Festival.
Research shows that:
- 27% of young carers (aged 11- 15) miss school or experience educational difficulties (40% where children care for a relative with drug or alcohol problems) (Dearden, C, Becker, S, 2004).
- They have significantly lower educational attainment at GCSE level - the difference between nine B’s and nine C’s (The Children's Society, 2013).
- They are more likely than the national average not to be in education, employment or training (NEET) between 16 and 19 (The Children's Society, 2013).
- A quarter of young carers said they were bullied at school because of their caring role (Carers Trust, 2013).
The Young Carers in Schools programme aims to provide schools with the tools and resources to support young carers and reduce these negative impacts, giving them the same access to education and future life chances as their peers.
If you wouild like to find out more please visit www.childrenssociety.org.uk or www.affc.org.uk
Alternatively you can contact one of the pastoral managers at:
The following document - "Young Carers at The Ramsey Academy" - can also be downloaded at the link at the bottom of this page.