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  • Science


"Demand evidence, ask questions, think critically"

The Science faculty aim to ensure students achieve a depth of knowledge through varied and imaginative learning activities which include practical work, demonstrations and an underpinning of how Science works. This builds on KS2 Science.

Our curriculum across both KS3 and KS4 encourages students to have resilience and confidence in the Science that they have been taught and to apply it to unfamiliar situations. This is achieved by highlighting links between the three Sciences and their relevance to the wider world.

At KS3, rationales for each lesson are in place ensuring that students are regularly visiting How Science Works skills as well as understanding the key principles.

Students are challenged on the depth of their scientific understanding and vocabulary through regular oral and written assessment. To reinforce this, all assessments are followed by feedback lessons to clarify misunderstandings and to celebrate success. This also gives students the opportunity to reflect on their performance and plan their next steps.

We teach science so that the students can explore the foundations of understanding of the world through biology, physics and chemistry allowing students to confidently analyse and explain what is occurring around them.

Subject Resources Combined Science specification Biology specification Chemistry specification phys specification  Science core practical videos

Learning Journeys

Knowledge Organisers


Science Department Staff