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Exclusions Policy
Exclusions Policy

Key Requirements/ Legal Duties 

This policy responds to the requirements of the Education Act 2002 all schools must have policies on student discipline and exclusion, which must be available to all parents and prospective parents. Parents and carers have the right to appeal against the decision to exclude a student. 

Key Principles 

  • Students at The Ramsey Academy, Halstead are given the best possible education, whatever their background or ability
  • The Code of Conduct emphasises the students’ entitlements and responsibilities
  • Students have the right to expect that their learning should not be disrupted by others


The Ramsey Academy, Halstead aims to provide a safe learning environment in which students can enjoy and achieve. The school’s Behaviour and Rewards policy emphasises positive strategies and, for the most part, the school environment is one of cooperation and shared responsibility. However, some incidents of unacceptable behaviour are not satisfactorily resolved through the normal channels and exclusions have to be considered as a last resort. 


The decision to exclude a student will be taken in the following circumstances: 

  • In response to a serious breach of the school’s Behaviour and Rewards policy and Code of Conduct
  • If allowing the student to remain at the school would seriously harm the education or welfare of the student or others in the school.

Exclusions whether fixed-term or permanent may be used in response to any of the following, all of which are examples of unacceptable conduct and breach the Behaviour and Rewards policy and Code of Conduct: 

  • Physical assault against a student
  • Physical assault against an adult
  • Verbal abuse/threatening behaviour against student
  • Verbal abuse/threatening behaviour against an adult
  • Bullying
  • Racist abuse
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Drug and alcohol related
  • Damage
  • Theft
  • Persistent disruptive behaviour
  • Weapons related
  • Posing a health and safety threat

This is not an exhaustive list and there may be other situations where the Headteacher judges that exclusion is an appropriate sanction. 

DfE Exclusion Guidance:
