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European Day

European Day

05 October 2023

05 October 2023

In September, the school celebrated the European Day of Languages that takes place on 26th September, each year.

MFL had the opportunity to deliver the assemblies that week, and explain why learning a foreign language is so important on so many levels.

We have created a competition, for all students, to raise the awareness of foreign languages and intercultural competency.

We would love for your child to participate in the competition, as it will be shared on an national and European level. It would be fantastic to see the students of Ramsey showcasing their creativity.

The competition is as follows: Design your own t-shirt logo.

In the attached poster, you can read the criteria needed in order to be entered.

The competition ends on 3rd November, and we are looking forward to seeing as many entries as possible.

The winner will have their own logo printed on a t-shirt and will be entered in the European competition that takes place in December 2023.

Thank you so much for encouraging your child to create their own design.

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