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Career Ideas Week 10

Career Ideas Week 10

07 July 2020

07 July 2020

Dear Ramsey year 10 Student,

I hope you are well and looking forward to the summer break!

Please find attached your Focus on the Future Careers bulletins for this week.


You will find:

  1. General bulletin aimed at all year groups but this is a MUST WATCH short film for year 10s, produced by Directions Careers to explain and summarise everything you need to know about your options when you leave school.
  2. Professional Profile- this week is entrepreneur- great for anyone who would like to run their own business one day!
  3. Year 10- timeline for year 10 and 11. See attached guide and also the timeline in an attached document. This will tell you when you should be applying to college and what you should be doing right now.

I hope you find them helpful.

I am available as normal this Wednesday and next to answer any of your questions.

Best wishes,

Mrs Eaves
Directions IAG Ltd


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