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Career Ideas Week 7

Career Ideas Week 7

16 June 2020

16 June 2020

Good Morning Year 10!

Please find attached this week’s Focus on the Future careers bulletins.

  • You will see a fact sheet about local Grammar School sixth forms that you are able to apply to as one of your sixth form applications.
  • You will also see a fact sheet with video links all about careers in music including music promotion, music producing and information related to careers as a musician.
  • The General focus on the Future bulletin may be useful for parents. It highlights some of the things parents can do to help students understand what employment is available locally. It has links to Success at with lots of information for parents/carers.

I hope you find this useful!

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!

Best wishes,

Mrs Eaves
Directions IAG Ltd


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