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DEAR - Drop Everything and Read

DEAR - Drop Everything and Read

19 November 2013

19 November 2013

Every Tuesday since November 12th, all students and staff of The Ramsey Academy, Halstead have participated in DEAR time. This involved stopping what we were doing and reading for pleasure for 20 minutes. 

This initiative is a key part of the academy’s drive to boost literacy, in particular reading, and we have been delighted by the positive approach of all members of the school community.

Information about the purpose and potential benefits of DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) has been sent home to parents and carers and students have been given guidance on the types of texts that they should bring in.

DEAR will be happening weekly for the rest of the academic year so don’t forget to bring in a fiction or non-fiction book each Tuesday!

Maggie Gibbs
Assistant Headteacher

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