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Employer visit drop ins returning on Wednesdays after Easter!

Employer visit drop ins returning on Wednesdays after Easter!

24 March 2022

24 March 2022

Employer Visits at Ramsey Academy

We are soon to be re-launching our exciting employer drop in’s which take place on a Wednesday lunchtime. Our previous visits have included professionals from various industries including Graphic Design, NHS, Engineering, Hairdressing, Accountancy, Law, Sports Coaching and many more.

Students are able to ask questions and learn about the career options from a working professional.

Feedback the students have given has been very positive and the informal setting allows the students to ask any questions they may have. They can also discuss possibilities of gaining work experience and potentially apprenticeship opportunities for the future.

These are invaluable sessions and we welcome students to come along to any that capture their interest. We are excited to be able to relaunch this and offer this great opportunity to our students.

If you would like to visit and speak to students about your own career, we are keen to welcome more professionals or local employers! We hold the sessions on a Wednesday during lunch (1.10pm). Please contact Laura Eaves: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Alison Barnes and Laura Eaves

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