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Gerry Blake Science Visit

Gerry Blake Science Visit

14 January 2015

14 January 2015

On Monday January 12th Mr Gerry Blake from the Institute of Physics visited the Academy. He gave a presentation to a number of students in Years 8, 9 and 10. One Year 10 student, Sian Adams, wrote about this presentation:

‘On Monday Mr Blake taught us the Physics behind the Earth’s atmosphere getting thicker and the Earth heating up. He showed us many demonstrations of what is happening to our atmosphere. The one that intrigued us the most was a small tub filled with polystyrene balls. This represented our original atmosphere. Mr Blake then added larger, coloured balls to show what we are adding to our atmosphere and how it is affecting it.

Using two volunteers, he also showed us a model of how far the Earth is away from the Sun and how small we are in comparison. This was fascinating.’

To see more photos from this event please Click Here.

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