20 March 2020
20 March 2020
Services available at other times.
ChildLine – www.childline.org.uk; A free and confidential service dedicated for children and young people up to the age of 19. ChildLine also offers online confidential live one-to-one chat. Helpline: 0800 1111.
KOOTH – www.kooth.com; Free, safe and anonymous online counselling support for young people
Mind – www.mind.org.uk; A national mental health charity that provides comprehensive information and support on all mental illness. Helpline: 0300 123 3393.
YoungMinds–www.youngminds.org.uk;Provides information and advice on child mental health issues. Offers a helpline specifically for parents: 0808 802 5544 (Monday - Friday, 9:30am - 4pm).
The Child Anxiety Network – www.childanxiety.net; Thorough and up-to-date information about child anxiety.
Papyrus – www.papyrus-uk.org; A suicide prevention charity that provides confidential helpline support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person, HOPELINEUK: 0800 068 4141.
Harmless – www.harmless.org.uk; Provides a range of support, advice and advocacy services to people affected by self- harm.