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May Day Celebrations

May Day Celebrations

20 May 2015

20 May 2015

On the 4th May, the band from The Ramsey Academy performed on the band stand in Halstead Public Gardens. For our first piece we played ‘Rock around the Clock’. We all mastered our parts and moved on to our next piece after cheering and applause. Next we played the original ‘Blue Danube’; together we got all of the timings right and we played perfectly. 

After this we played ‘Jupiter’ (also the theme for the Rugby World Cup) much to the delight of Halstead Templars, our local rugby club who showed their support throughout our performance. Our next piece was ‘The Bare Necessities’ from ‘The Jungle Book’, finishing with ‘ Oh When the Saints go Marching In’. By the time we had finished all the pieces, we had a lot of support and cheering from the crowd. Together we enjoyed playing in time - it was the best performance we had done together.

Lily McKean

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