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Ramsey Academy judged ‘Good’ in recent Ofsted inspection

Ramsey Academy judged ‘Good’ in recent Ofsted inspection

04 June 2015

04 June 2015

I am delighted to inform you that the Academy was judged to be ‘Good’ overall and in each of the four sub-sections; Leadership and Management, Behaviour and safety of pupils, Quality of teaching and Achievement of pupils.

Whilst there are many positive statements, three of the main findings were;

  • “Inspection evidence indicates that students achieve well. Students across year groups make good progress in a wide range of subjects, including English and Mathematics.”
  • “Behaviour around the Academy is good. Students respect one another and adults. They have a positive attitude towards their learning and are proud to be part of the Academy.”
  • “All leaders and managers, including governors have high ambitions for the students. They have made sure every student has the opportunity to achieve as well as they can.”

The students’ attitude to learning and behaviour were exceptional during the inspection. Their contribution to this report should not be underestimated and they allowed the inspectors to see ‘typical days’ in our school. They cleared displayed our ethos of ‘Be the best you can be.’

We are delighted with this judgement, as the current Ofsted Framework is even more rigorous when compared to the previous inspection criteria. The report recognises and endorses the many improvements that have been implemented during recent years at The Academy.

There is still work to be done to reach our goal of becoming an ‘outstanding’ school and we have structured plans to achieve this aim.

The clear message however, is that The Ramsey Academy provides high quality education for the children of Halstead and the community can be proud of its local school.

Rob James


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