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Ofsted: The Ramsey College has made ‘significant improvements’

Ofsted: The Ramsey College has made ‘significant improvements’

22 March 2013

22 March 2013

The Ramsey College has been praised for the significant improvements that have been made this year.

Three inspectors visited the school on 6-7 March 2013. As well as spending much time in lessons, they met members of the College's Strategic Management Board, the Senior Leadership Team and the Local Governing Body. They also spent time with groups of students and the College's teaching staff.

Inspectors noted improvements in the progress that students were making, stating, “Student progress was above average in two thirds of the lessons observed by inspectors. This is a significant improvement on the situation reported in the previous monitoring letter and the previous inspection report.” They were also keen to comment on the quality of teaching when they wrote, “The quality of teaching has improved significantly and this is directly related to the quality of the improving teaching programme led by senior staff. Two thirds of all teaching was found to be good or better. Planning has improved, learning objectives are clear and resources are well organised.”

The Ramsey College’s students received particular praise from inspectors…”Behaviour and attendance have improved significantly. The pupils’ attitudes to learning were a positive feature in every lesson and they took informal opportunities to tell inspectors about the improvement in teaching and how they were enjoying learning. Attendance has improved and is close to the national average; exclusions have declined markedly.”

The result of the visit was that the inspectors felt that the "college is making reasonable progress towards the removal of special measures." While this statement may seem a little understated, the inspectors are only in a position to make one of two statements- either that a school is or is not making 'reasonable progress.' The College, therefore, received the best judgement available.

Headteacher Dan Gee was delighted with the feedback from the inspectors but was also keen to stress that the comments needed to be placed within the broader plans for improvement when he stated, “The feedback from the inspection team is a massive boost and our aim is that our school continues to go from strength to strength. It should be the natural first choice for all members of our community. We are all committed to continuing to improve our school and to providing our students the best opportunities possible.”

The full report will be available at the Ofsted link here. (currently awaiting update - 22nd March)

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