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The role of a Governor - Julie Reid

The role of a Governor - Julie Reid

01 November 2016

01 November 2016

I became a Governor at The Ramsey Academy about seven years ago, after my daughter had joined from primary and I felt I would like to become a part of the Academy and make a positive contribution.

I have lived in Halstead for over 25 years and during that time have seen many changes to the Academy; even in the years since I have been a part of the Academy there have been significant changes. I feel very fortunate to have been part of the
improvements and goals achieved over the last few years. I love the enthusiasm from teachers, students and the governing body and am extremely proud of our involvement in the community.

We have numerous achievement and awards evenings which are a wonderful boost for us as an Academy, sharing in the success of individual students and the Academy as a whole.

In the last year I have become the Safeguarding Governor. Children’s safety is paramount to me and I welcomed the challenge of being involved. Safeguarding covers many issues from attendance to bullying, extremist views and internet
safety to child protection. All students and staff are aware of the procedures to follow and regular training for all staff ensures any issues are dealt with quickly and procedures followed correctly. My hope is for all of our students to feel safe
within their learning environment and I believe we strive to achieve this as our systems and procedures on this are rigorous.
I am extremely proud to be involved with our school. I visit most weeks and love the atmosphere in any part of the school at any time. Students seem happy in their work and are willing to talk about their achievements and concerns. Their enthusiasm is a pleasure to see.

Mrs J Reid

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