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The Smile of Arran Presentation

The Smile of Arran Presentation

21 May 2019

21 May 2019

During the recent Charity Week, Ramsey students raised a record amount of £2,117.74 for the charity, The Smile of Arran Trust. 

This is thanks to the amazing generosity of the students ,parents and staff. The week consisted of lots of fun activities including a huge cake raffle, lip sync battle, talent show and staff vs Year 11 student basketball and netball competitions.


On Tuesday 21st May, the school was visited by Mrs Tosh who received the donation from Mr James in a morning assembly. Also, awards were kindly donated by Alison Tosh to The Ramsey Academy in recognition of the effort and contributions we have made to the charity in memory of her son.  The awards are for students who demonstrate the same caring, hard-working qualities as her son, who always thought of others before himself.


Reece Smith and Erin Smith won the award for students in Aspiration House.


Hannah Birch and Lily Gidden, School captains, won the Ramsey Academy Smile of Arran Award for their hard- work and sense of community.


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