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  • There’s No Business Like Show Business!

    There’s No Business Like Show Business!

22 April 2015

22 April 2015

Applause and acclaim resounded as packed audiences enjoyed this year’s production of “Bugsy Malone” at the Ramsey Academy, Halstead! Comedyhoodlums, live music and flashy beauties gave fabulous, accomplished performances in this bubbly musical, all topped off with guns firing gloop and “splurge” across the gangland speakeasies.

Of special note were the performances of Nathan Penfold, as a lovable Bugsy Malone; Bridget Clegg, emotionally powerful as Blousey Brown and Jack Hawes, as a cool, stylish Dandy Dan; mob boss. Freddie Marriott trod the boards on crutches, giving the role of Fat Sam Stacetto showing off glossy New York appeal with hilarious comedy timing, even after his leg op! What a trooper!

Glamorous Lauren-Mae Cooke (Tallulah) and heart-wrenching Maisie Smith (Fizzy) really hit the heights with their musical numbers and, particularly impressive, was the work of young musicians Freya Walker, Rosie Shackell, Lily McKean, Olivia Vintner and Terry Shortt who did us proud in the live band led by music teacher, Mr Lewis-James. Huge congratulations must go to the initiative and maturity of the Year 10 students who choreographed the entire show, leading hordes of younger cast members in tireless rehearsals to stunning results. 

This stunning show was made possible due to the hard work of the entire cast, many of whom were making debut appearances on stage! This really enabled everyone to boost their confidence and skills. Recognition must also be given to Mrs Tyler, Mrs Gerrard, Mr Pittuck and Mr Hendry for the set, props and scenery that brought the world of 1920s New York to life. A great show, with many more to come!

Mrs A Barnes

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