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Year 11 GCSE Exam Contingency Days

Year 11 GCSE Exam Contingency Days

18 January 2023

18 January 2023

The GCSE exam timetables are currently being finalised and will be shared with the students in the coming days. We would like to remind parents that students are expected to be available until the 28th June 2023.

The Awarding Bodies have allocated the 28th June 2023 as a Contingency Day as well as two Contingency half- days which are the 8th June and 15th June.

Contingency Days are allocated in case of an event of national or significant local disruption to examinations in the UK. They are part of the Awarding Bodies’ standard contingency planning for examinations and candidates are expected to remain available in the event that the Awarding Body should invoke their contingency plan.

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