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  • Year 8 Activities week July 2015
    Year 8 Activities week July 2015

03 November 2015

03 November 2015

Year 8 students had the opportunity to choose an area of Art or Technology they wanted to work in for two days during the last week of term. Teaching and support staff organised a variety of activities including: designing and making an item of furniture to represent the Ramsey houses – ‘Aspiration’, ‘Endeavour’ and ‘Diversity’; collaborative projects in Art on the theme of ‘Flight’; Ice dyeing and yarn bombing in Textiles and constructing and decorating ginger bread buildings in Food Technology.

It was a fantastic two days and every student should be congratulated on the time and effort they put in. I am sure Year 8 students will agree that they learned a lot of new skills over these fun days. Unfortunately, the ginger bread houses were eaten – and very tasty too! Art, Textiles and RM work is currently on display around the school. Well done year 8!

Mrs J Gerrard

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