29 January 2018
29 January 2018
Dear Parents/Guardians
Key Stage 4 Options Subjects 2018 - 2020
The selection of optional subjects is one of the crucial moments in any student’s secondary education. All students have already started to complete work of GCSE standard in all their subjects, but will opt to specialise and follow a two year GCSE programme, starting in Year 10. The experience of studying some of the GCSE content in Year 9 will allow staff to give specific guidance to ensure students have the aptitude for particular subjects and allow students to make a more informed choice.
We aim to ensure that the information and guidance provided will support your child through the options process and ensure that their informed choices lead to the maximisation of their potential.
It will be important that each student understands their own strengths and weaknesses so that theycan optimise their chances of success.
Equally, we recommend that each student select courses in which they have aptitude as well as personal interest.
The educational landscape has changed considerably, and this has affected the curriculum that students follow. In 2015, major GCSE and BTEC reforms were introduced; we have already taken all the necessary steps to ensure our students are well prepared for these changes. The introduction of the English Baccalaureate places a focus on certain key subjects which are seen to offer academic rigour and a firm foundation for students’ future success whichever route they follow.
What will the curriculum look like?
The Ramsey Academy is a fully inclusive school; our aim is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum that enables accessibility for all, with a variety of subjects to meet the needs and aspirations of our students. Ensuring the combination of courses our students study provides suitable progression routes into post-16 study and beyond, is of paramount importance to us at The Ramsey Academy.
Students will all study the following compulsory subjects
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Science (Triple or Combined)
- Physical Education (non GCSE)
- Certificate in Financial Education
In addition to this, students will follow one of three learning pathways. We will ask students to select other subject choices which will become their “Options”. All subjects will be examined in the summer of 2020.
To support the students making their choices we will be providing the following:
- An Options Assembly for students to inform them about this important process.
- An Options Evening on Thursday 22 February 2018 to allow students and parents to talk to subject staff offering Key Stage 4 courses.
- This Options Booklet, which contains information on courses and subjects.
- Access to your child’s report with their current attainment within their Flightpaths.
- An opportunity to have a meeting with a member of the leadership team to discuss choices and aspirations.
- Access to an independent careers advisor.
Please read the information in this booklet, together with the Year 9 Report and teacher comments, when available. There will be another opportunity to ask further questions of subject staff at the Year 9 Parents’ Evening on Thursday 1st March 2018.
If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at school.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Greenslade
Assistant Headteacher