18 January 2017
18 January 2017
Religious Education took a new turn at Ramsey from 17 to 21 October, with a whole week of spiritual and reflective activities available for students.
This was a project run jointly with the CYO (Christian Youth Organisation) and is called Anam Cara, which is Celtic for soul friend. The project involved a takeover of FF4, which was transformed into a spiritual and reflective zone. Many RE classes were fortunate enough to take part in this activity, and enjoyed the huge range of initiatives on offer. Activities ranged from a tent for silent reflection, to a tree where students had to let something go that had been bothering them, and then write it on a leaf and hang it on the tree. Other popular activities involved students making bracelets with beads of significance, and undergoing a journey through a hall of mirrors where they were required to look at themselves both aesthetically and spiritually. We also had a wailing wall for students to write prayers and messages, and a waste paper bin for them to write down something they were sorry about then throw it away.
All students responded fantastically well to these activities, with many commenting that they wish they had more opportunities to think and reflect about their lives and the lives of others. This was a worthwhile and enriching week, and one that we would definitely like to offer again in the future.
Mrs H Price