05 January 2016
05 January 2016
I have been associated with the Ramsey for three decades. My own four children attended the school, and, as Head of Richard de Clare, I sent half the Ramsey’s annual intake of Year 7 students every September. I have always lived just a few minutes walk from the school and I have shared the community’s hopes and aspirations for our children and young people.
Parents will know that a few years ago the school went through a very difficult period, culminating in a poor Ofsted. At that time I was working in a number of schools across Essex as a Consultant Leader, always hoping that I would have the opportunity to contribute more to my own local community, through Ramsey. That opportunity came when I was invited to join the new Local Governing Body and the Multi Academy Trust.
Since then, I have witnessed an amazing transformation.
Under the guidance and stewardship of Notley’s then Executive Head Teacher, Simon Thompson, and Head Teachers Dan Gee and now Rob James, The Ramsey Academy, Halstead has shown itself to be one of the most improved secondary schools in the country. That is a remarkable achievement in so short a time.
This transformation has not happened by accident – indeed, the opposite is true. There has been a relentless focus on the part of Staff, Governors and Trustees to examine every aspect of the school and to improve it. The premises and resources have been improved to provide a working and learning environment worthy of our students in the 21st century. More importantly, there is a drive to improve the quality of teaching and of learning that drills down through every subject, in every lesson and for every pupil. Of course, the job will never be finished – developments can always be made, as the leadership and staff are well aware. One of the things that has impressed me most, as an experienced and successful practitioner, is how well Mr James and his staff have been able to put in place systems, policies and practices that make it so much easier for students to be successful – and how hard it will be in the future for anyone to slip through the net.
Being a Governor at The Ramsey Academy, Halstead over the last few years has been incredibly rewarding. The workload is not onerous and the responsibility is limited: the day to day management and running of the school is quite rightly vested in Mr James and his Leadership Team. We have a duty to support the school, but also to challenge what the school is doing, and thus ensure that it is on track to deliver the values and aspirations of our local community – that’s why we have a Local Governing Body, after all. You don’t have to be an expert to be a Governor. My own background has enabled me to contribute on Special Educational Needs and on Safeguarding, but we have a true mix of experience, expertise and interests within the Governing Body. There are no cliques or sub groups: everyone has one purpose and one only which is to allow every student and member of staff to achieve their potential.
I would venture to suggest that the students attending The Ramsey Academy, Halstead – your children - represent Halstead’s most important asset. It is vital that the school continues to be successful, week in week out: the future of the town depends upon it. I have always been immensely proud to be a part of this community, and I have always been in awe of our young people and what they can achieve. I am now more confident than ever that under the leadership of Mr James, and with the support of the Governors, we will be able to give those young people the start to life that they so richly deserve. - Mr David Iles