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Diversity Shriek Week!

Diversity Shriek Week!

05 January 2016

05 January 2016

From 19 October until the 23 October, Diversity House had their charity week, raising funds towards “For Daisy and DIPG Brain Cancer Research”. This charity was chosen by the students as a local fund that they felt they wanted to help raise money for, to help with the progress on fighting the devastating condition of DIPG brain cancer.

Over the 5 days, various events were organised with a theme based around a “Shriek Week”, Ghouls and ghosts featured in each of the activities across the week. Each day at break time, students from each year brought in cakes and drinks to sell in the Hall. Some were themed with spiders, cobwebs and potions to give everyone a fright and the treats were enjoyed by all!

At lunchtime each day there were also unique events taking place, all organised and planned by the Student Management Team and House Council for Diversity. On Monday there was a very competitive rematch, with the boys from Diversity against the Ramsey Girls Netball team. The game was very exciting and very close, with the girls having a clear lead at half time. In the second half, the boys regrouped, changed strategy and in the closing minutes managed to secure the win. A big thank you to all of those who played, and of course, all of the spectators.

The main hall on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime became a cinema for the brave, with a showing of Monster House, a fantastic animation based on a haunted mansion. Again, there was a fantastic turn out, with the hall being packed from wall to wall and a great time was had by all.

On Wednesday lunchtime, students challenged the Diversity staff to a game of ultimate Frisbee in the Gym. With the stands full of eager students from all years, the game was fast paced and great fun. The Diversity students performed fantastically, and although they lost, they did so with pride and a great sense of sportsmanship. Well done to all involved!

The final day of the Shriek Week was the non-uniform day, where everyone had the chance to come to school as a gruesome or frightful character of their choice. All students who attended in fancy dress were appropriately dressed and a great day was had by all. Students had the chance to have their photos taken in a photo booth, and I have copies of the photos if any students would like to come and collect them.

I would once again like to thank everyone from Diversity who helped in the organisation of the day and made it a huge success. I would also like to thank every student who participated in the events or came along to support, we could not do these weeks without your support. And finally, I would like to thank all of you at home for your support with sending them in with money, cakes and fancy dress outfits to make the week as fun as it was.

In total we raised a huge £1085.04 for Daisy and DIPG Brain Cancer Research. Thank you!

Mr Lugton

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