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Social Media and Internet Safety Parents Workshop Wednesday 14 June 6pm - 8pm

Social Media and Internet Safety Parents Workshop Wednesday 14 June 6pm - 8pm

06 June 2017

06 June 2017

Braintree District Community Safety Partnership will be holding four information and awareness sessions for parents and carers of children and young people of secondary school age and those with children in Year 6.

  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Gangs and Knife Crime
  • Sexual Exploitation
  • Social media and the Internet

The first of these workshops on Social Media and the Internet will be held at The Ramsey Academy, Halstead on Wednesday 14 June 6 - 8 p.m. 

Social Media and lnternet Safety - these sessions will be run by the 2 Johns who are well known throughout Essex and specialise in the delivery of parents and carers events. 
These sessions aim to bring parents/carers totally up to date regarding the apps their 
children are using and how they could be directly targeted in that environment by 
paedophiles. Those attending will be provided with figures as to the number of children and young people that have been spoken to on-line within the previous week, figures which will undoubtedly shock anyone that attends.

Please note they are not suitable for children.

If you are interested in attending please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book a place.

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